1. | What does node() match? |
| Jeni Tennison
>> Use <xsl:copy-of> and select all the children of the <mytag>
>> element using the node() node test (which matches any node,
>> including elements and attributes):
>> <xsl:copy-of select="mytag/node()" />
>> <xsl:copy-of> gives you an exact copy of the nodes.
> uh oh ... i'm confused again. i thought "node()" explicitly
> did *not* match attribute nodes, but only
The node test "node()" matches attribute nodes, but the child axis
can only select the node types that you mention:
> 1) elements
> 2) text
> 3) comments
> 4) processing instructions
When you do: <xsl:copy-of select="mytag/node()" />
this is expanded to:
<xsl:copy-of select="child::mytag/child::node()" />
and you get the child nodes (which cannot include attributes since
attributes aren't children) of the child <mytag> element of the
context node. You can tell that the node() node test matches attributes because the
expression ".", which expands to the expression "self::node()", can be
used to select attributes. Unlike the child axis, the self axis
selects the context node no matter what its type. |
2. | testing the type of a node |
| Jeni Tennison
>I needed to check if the current node is an element:
The easiest way to test whether the current node is an element is
self::* This selects the current node if it is an element (with any name); if
a node is selected through this path, then the resultant node set
evaluates as boolean true. (Similarly, you can check whether the current node is a comment with
self::comment(), a text node with self::text() and a processing
instruction with self::processing-instruction(). It's only with
attributes and namespace nodes that you can't use the self:: axis
because they're only accessible through the attribute:: and
namespace:: axes.) |
3. | How to test if the current node is an attribute or a namespace node |
| Michael Kay
> Which is the simplest XPath expression to test whether the
> current node is an attribute?
Not easy! I'd suggest:
count(. | ../@*) = count(../@*)
> Or a namespace?
count(. | ../namespace::*) = count(../namespace::*)
Miloslav Nic offers
Longer, but probably easier to understand:
generate-id() = generate-id(parent::*/@*[name()=name(current())])
4. | How to test a node type |
| Lassi A. Tuura
I want to see if
following-sibling::node()[1] is a comment or not. is there way to test that?
<xsl:if test="following-sibling::node()[1][self::comment()]">
Its a comment
Ednote: This is a node test, not a function().
Similarly, the node test processing-instruction() is true for any processing instruction.
and text() for any text node, node() for any node()
Linda points out:
Mentioned in chapter 6 of XSLT Programmer's reference (p 372), and defined in
section 2.3 of XPath, and shown on the Quick reference card from Mulberrytech!
Tony Graham responds with the formal side:
Look under the heading "Node Tests [XPath 2.3]".
They look like functions but they're not. XPath section 3.2, Function
Calls, has:
[16] FunctionCall ::= FunctionName '(' ( Argument ( ',' Argument )* ) ')'
but section 3.7, Lexical Structure, has:
[35] FunctionName ::= QName - NodeType
[38] NodeType ::= 'comment'
| 'text'
| 'processing-instruction'
| 'node'
So the node type node tests look like function calls but they're not
because their names are explicitly not allowed as function calls.
5. | node() clarification, node-test or pattern |
| Jeni Tennison
> DC wrote:
>>no node() does match attribute nodes.
> This is interesting - can you show an example, because I from that
> would read that I could drop the @* match like this:
> <xsl:template match="node()">
> <xsl:copy>
> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
> </xsl:copy>
> </xsl:template>
> Which you can't - what am I missing?
David C.'s being a little pedantic (now there's a surprise) and saying
that the *node test* "node()" matches attribute nodes. He's not saying
that the *pattern* "node()" matches attribute nodes.
The *pattern* "node()" as in: <xsl:template match="node()">
is actually a shorthand for the pattern "child::node()", and matches
any node that is a child of another node. Attributes aren't children
of any other nodes, so they don't match this pattern.
However, if you use the pattern "attribute::node()" (or @node()) then
that will match any node that is an attribute of another node, and
will therefore match attributes. This is because the node test
"node()" matches all nodes, including attributes.
The same goes for expressions: the expression "node()" is a shorthand
for the expression "child::node()" and will select all child nodes of
the context node. The expression "attribute::node()" or "@node()" will
select all attributes of the context node; since only attributes are
attributes of a node, it's equivalent to do "@*", which has the
benefit of being shorter, so that's what we use most of the time. |
6. | node() |
| Dimitre Novatchev
> According to the XSLT 1.0 spec
> (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116),
> section 5.2 (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116#patterns), node()
> matches "any node other than an attribute node and the root node".
This generally is not true. What will be matched by the node test depends on the axis specifyier that comes with it: - child::node() matches elements, PIs, comments and text nodes | - parent::node() matches elements or the root node. | - attribute::node() matches attributes | - namespace::node() matches namespaces. |
So, depending on the axis, every possible type of node can be matched by the
node() node-test. |
7. | Identify node type |
| Ken Holman
>Is there an easy way (or any way at all) to identify the type of the
>node being processed?
Yes, there is a way for all seven kinds of node.
<xsl:when test="self::*"> <!--an element-->
<xsl:text>Element: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:when test="self::text()"> <!--show text-->
<xsl:text>Text: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:when test="self::comment()"> <!--reveal comment-->
<xsl:text>Comment: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:when test="self::processing-instruction()"> <!--pi-->
<xsl:text>PI: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:when test="count(.|/)=1"> <!--root-->
<xsl:text>root </xsl:text>
<!--any attribute-->
<xsl:when test="count(.|../@*)=count(../@*)">
<xsl:text>attribute </xsl:text>
<!--specific namespace-->
<xsl:when test="count(.|../namespace::xsl)=
<xsl:text>XSL namespace </xsl:text>
<!--any namespace-->
<xsl:when test="count(.|../namespace::*)=
<xsl:text>namespace </xsl:text>
8. | How to find the longest node in a node-set |
| Phil Lanch
> Does anyone know a way I could define a variable that would
> contain the number of characters in the longest node in a
> node-set? Let the node set in question be
> file://DIV[@type='Chapter']: if I have three, with string
> lengths 88888, 99999, and 111110, I want my variable to be
> 111110.
<xsl:template name="getlongest">
<xsl:param name="nodeset"/>
<xsl:param name="longest" select="0"/>
<xsl:when test="$nodeset">
test="string-length($nodeset[1]) > $longest">
<xsl:call-template name="getlongest">
<xsl:with-param name="nodeset"
> 1]"/>
<xsl:with-param name="longest"
<xsl:call-template name="getlongest">
name="nodeset" select="$nodeset[position()
> 1]"/>
name="longest" select="$longest"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$longest"/>
9. | Comparing node for identity using union |
| Michael Kay
> I run to the debuger i see that
> (count(parent::Menu|$snode)=1) is allways true, even when $snode no
> node, and even when there is no parent::Menu .
count(A|B)=1 will be true if A contains one node and B is empty, or if B contains one node and A is empty, or if both A and B contain a single node and this is the same node. This is only a safe test for identity if you know that each of the node-sets A and B is a single node. If you're not sure of that, a safer test is
count(A)=1 and count(B)=1 and count(A|B)=1 |