An Introduction to XSL-FO

At the XSLT UK-01 conference in Oxford, UK in 2001 I asked a couple of interested parties if they were interested in writing about XSL-FO. I also asked Wrox if they would be interested in publishing said book, should it happen.

Time passed, and three of us set out to write such a book. After much debate over the publishers contract, and with shrinking deadlines, it became obvious that the contract wasn't really what we wanted as authors, and that other committments were higher than expected.

In the end I finished it myself, put it here on my website, then had it accepted by O'Reilly for publication.

A large part of my motivation for writing the book was to make the learning curve for XSL-FO less steep than I found the curve for DSSSL. Note that the document is copyright.


If you mail me and say its rubbish, I'll dump the email with other spam. If you mail me with suggested improvements, inform us of ommissions or errors, then I'll be grateful. You'll find an email address on this site somewhere. I'm reluctant to put it up again, since I guess it's a major source of spam.