
1. Emacs Information
2. Unicode in emacs
3. Emacs, XSLT-process 1.1 available
4. XSLT-process available


Emacs Information

Syd Bauman

   > If one of the freeware editors is [Emacs/psgml] where can one find a
  > tutorial.

One could have found a tutorial at Extreme Markup Languages 2001 in Montreal (see http://www.extrememarkup.com/extreme/2001/monday.htm#bauman). Given how little demand there was for it, though, I doubt it will be repeated.

In the interim, there are some sites that are useful (although I daresay not as useful as a real hands-on tutorial). I put a reasonable amount of work into assembling a list of them, but that was almost 6 months ago, and I haven't checked to see if they are still there or there are newer better versions, etc.:



Unicode in emacs

Peter S. Housel

> I'm using emacs+psgml.
> XML files when imported, show non plain ascii chars
> as (appearance of) \234  (but as a single character space).

If your file is encoded in UTF-8, you can use the Unicode encoding package for Emacs (mule) so that characters beyond US-ASCII are displayed properly. (I keep meaning to write a hook for psgml so that it can use the XML declaration to set the encoding automatically, but for now it's easy enough to use `C-x C-m c' before opening the file to set it manually.


Emacs, XSLT-process 1.1 available

Ovidiu Predescu

XSLT-process is a minor mode for (X)Emacs that allows you to invoke an XSLT processor of choice on a buffer, displaying the result in an additional buffer. Currently supported processors include Xalan 1.x, and Saxon 5.x and 6.x. Cocoon 1.8.x, an XML publishing framework, is also supported through its command line interface. Support for other Java XSLT processor could be added easily.

This is a maintenance release; below are the changes in the 1.1 release:

The `xslt-process-additional-classpath' customization variable has been introduced. Setup this variable with any additional Java classpath components you want to be passed to the BeanShell when is first invoked. If you already started a BeanShell, you need to kill the corresponding buffer (named `*bsh*') and restart it by invoking *XSLT-process* on a buffer. (Suggestion from T. V. Raman <tvraman@almaden.ibm.com>.)

Allow for passing the user agent to the Cocoon processor so that multiple browser types can be simulated. This works with a patch I submitted against Cocoon 1.8-dev; it was incorporated and should be available in the 1.8.1 release. If you need the patch before this release, feel free to contact me, I'll gladly send it to you.

The way the error messages are displayed has changed, now error messages encountered during the JVM startup process also go in the `*xslt-output*' buffer.

The default keybinding has been changed to `C-M-x' instead of `C-c x', to conform to the (X)Emacs keybinding standards.

The homepage of XSLT-process is located at:XSLT-process


XSLT-process available

Ovidiu Predescu

XSLT-process is a minor mode for (X)Emacs that allows you to invoke an XSLT processor of choice on a buffer, displaying the result in an additional buffer. Currently supported processors include Xalan 1.x, and Saxon 5.x and 6.x. Cocoon 1.8.x, an XML publishing framework, is also supported through its command line interface. Support for other Java XSLT processors could be added easily.

The homepage of XSLT-process is located at: geocities