| Steve Muench and others.
what processor is using this stylesheet?
Is there something one can put on a test= to determine what
processor is running, e.g. in English,
<xsl:when test="saxon is being used to process this stylesheet">
<-- [do X] -->
<!-- otherwise it is xt or xalan or etc. -->
<!-- do Y -->
The XSLT 1.0 Spec is careful to provide the necessary
mechanisms to built robust, portable XSLT stylesheets, even
in the face of cool extensions.
The <xsl:fallback> and element-available('qname') and
function-available('qname') let you have good, proactive
control as to what should happen if an extension on which
you depend is not available.
Steve Tinney adds
You need to determine the xsl:vendor string using a test
file and then apply that in your real tests. This could be
modularized so that one could say:
<xsl:import href="vendors.xsl"/>
<xsl:variable name="vendor">
<xsl:call-template name="set-vendor"/>
and in vendors.xsl:
<xsl:template name="set-vendor">
<xsl:variable name="xsl-vendor"
<xsl:when test="starts-with($xsl-vendor,'SAXON')">
<xsl:when test="contains($xsl-vendor,'Clark')">
<xsl:text>UNKNOWN VENDOR</xsl:text>
Steve finishes with
Using the following stylesheet:
version="1.0" xsl:version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="/">
xsl:version = <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')"/>
xsl:vendor = <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')"/>
xsl:vendor-url = <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor-url')"/>
I get:
Apache Xalan 0.20.0
- -------------------
xsl:version = 1
xsl:vendor = Apache Software Foundation
xsl:vendor-url = http://xml.apache.org/xalan
Oracle XSLT Processor
- -----------------------------
xsl:version = 1.0
xsl:vendor = Oracle Corporation.
xsl:vendor-url = http://www.oracle.com
- --
xsl:version = 1
xsl:vendor = James Clark
xsl:vendor-url = http://www.jclark.com/
Saxon 5.2
- ---------
xsl:version = 1
xsl:vendor = SAXON from Michael Kay of ICL
xsl:vendor-url = http://users.iclway.co.uk/mhkay/saxon/index.html