/ Delightful Course: CSS for XML People

Is this for you?

Do you work with complex documents, long documents, or with lots of consistent smaller documents? These might be aircraft manuals, encyclopedias and other major reference works, research papers or trade fiction novels, mediated publishing... This CSS course is for you.

You’ll learn techniques for formatting, for writting (and debugging) CSS, for how CSS can fit in with XML tools, and about principles behing graphic design and typography as well as behind CSS. You’ll be confident in making your own designs and you’ll know resources for finding out more.

There are lots of courses on CSS, but not many that are designed specifically for people working with XML documents and tools.

Advanced Topics

When you have large documents, complex needs, or high throughput, you need to do automatic formatting. You have to write styles that will work day after day, without needing changes because a section is too long or a table was too wide.

We start gently and circle round, with exercises and resources that leave you able to find out more, able to work on your own, able to handle problems and fix mistakes, able to make useful, effective and accessible designs.

Internationalization, accessibility, security, robustness, browser fallback, CSS that works for print from a browser as well as from a formatter such as those from AntennaHouse, YesLogic and others, transformations and simple animations are all in scope.

We’ll look at CSS columns, grid, flex, at page layout, at finding your way around the specifications and drafts, at the differences between the CSS model for formtting and traditional typography, and much much more.


1st, 2nd, 3rd October 2019 for 3 days in Amsterdam; €1800 per person.

Contact liam at fromoldbooks dot org to register.


19th August 2019 for 3 days in Rockville, MD, USA; US$2,000 per person (includes coffee but not meals or accommodation; there are hotels fairly near the facility).