/ XSLT Introduction

Is this for you?

If you are starting to work with XSLT, or have to maintain XSLT 3 stylesheets, this course is for you. You don’t have to be a programmer.

Learn the concepts you need in order to understand XSLT, learn about the sorts of things that you can do with XSLT, learn some tips and tricks, and learn to use some XSLT tools, and above all else learn how to find out more and how to ask the right questions.

You should have encountered XML before this course; if not, ask for a one-hour introduction to XML the week before.

Upcoming Week of 2024-08-12 (exact position within the week to be confirmed by attendees)

screenshot of XSLT fragment

Course Structure

Primary topics include:

This course does not go into as much detail as the three-day XSLT 3 course. But you can ask for specific areas to be covered in more or less detail.

Prices and How to Register

The online course is two days. The course is $1500 per person. There are discounts for no-cancel prepayment, or for four or more people from the same organization, or for not wearing shoes.

Contact liam at fromoldbooks dot org to register.

Note: I can offer this as an in-person course with a minimum of seven participants. It can also be customised, and there is a one-day and a half-day version, but the two-day course will give you the most value in most cases.

You will need to have a computer with a fairly recent version of Saxon EE (at least 9.x), for example as included in Oxygen XML Editor version 20 or later.

We use Jit.si for the remote courses; you will want a device that can display video. You can leave your own camera off if you prefer, or use a system without one; if you have no microphone you can ask questions in the chat or you can even dial in using a telephone. I will also send you the slides in PDF so you can follow along that way.

No (since this has been asked), I cant check whether you are wearing shoes! But an extensive ten-year study of over 30,000 students showed that people learn better without shoes.